What are your hope and dreams for 2025? Most people hope that their lives will improve maybe their health, relationships, finances. But few think about their spiritual life and yet, made in the image of God, body,soul and spirit, it is our inner state that will triumph external changes. We believe God came as Jesus Christ not just to show us a better way to live but to become the way by which we experience eternal life - now and beyond this life. This year we wil be learning from John's Gospel which gives us the greatest account of who Jesus is so that we might believe he is the 'Messiah, the Son of God' and that through believing in him we 'might have life in his name' John 20v31. Deciding to visit us on a Sunday morning could become a life changing moment. We would love to meet you so please join us Sundays.
We aspire to be an inclusive, welcoming, caring, worshipping Christian community in which the values and teachings of Jesus are lived, shared and celebrated
Bramingham Park Church
All are welcome